Date Of Establishment MWASA was formed in 1977. Launched in it's present form in 1983
To be an effective agent for the representation, safekeeping and promotion of the interests of MWASA Members.
To ensure, through worker- mobilization the attainment, maintenance and development of social justice, fairness and equality at the workplace.
Labour relations and philosophy
Labour and professional rights are human rights and as such are indivisible from any citizen, any employee and any member of MWASA.
MWASA organizers all workers in the media, printing, packaging, distribution and Information Communication Technology sectors. Membership of MWASA is open to all employed in the media sector. |

Socio-Political Policy
MWASA is a non-profit, non racial association or organization of media workers. MWASA is not affiliated to any political party but frowns on Neo-liberalism. Members are however free to belong to any political, ethnic or religious group of their choice as long as they uphold the MWASA Constitution. MWASA actively advocates the principle of ~equal pay for work of equal value' and actively advocates for Employment Equity in the workplace.
Worker Control
MWASA is a democratic organization within the Confines of the Constitution, which embodies the wishes of the members.
In terms of s.95 of the LRA MWASA is registered as an independent union in that :
4 MWASA is not under the direct or indirect control of any employer or employers' organization,
4 MWASA is free of any interference or influence of any kind from any employer or employers organization.
Professional Matters
MWASA advocates for a free independent and responsible press, freedom of speech, freedom of expression and a strong Public Broadcaster with a measurable commitment to public broadcasting values. MWASA is committed to assisting employers in striving to attain, maintain and uphold the highest standards of employment practices, labour relations, content production, journalism and editorial independence.

Congress is the highest decision making body of MWASA held once every two years. All members of the Union have a right to participate in all Congress proceedings. Congress serves two main purposes, that is, policy making and electing leadership to carry the policy mandate. Congress elects the President, Deputy President, National Treasurer and confirms the appointment of the General Secretary.
National Executive Committee
Is comprised of the President, Deputy President, Treasurer, General Secretary and the Chairpersons of the provincial Executive Committees. The NEC carries the responsibility of managing the affairs of MWASA between Congresses.
Is comprised of the National Treasurer and the Chairpersons of the Provinces and manages a central account. Responsibilities include budgeting, bookkeeping and auditing. MWASA is run on subscriptions of members. |
Provincial Executive Committees
are elected from amongst members of the Branch Executive Committees Shop Stewards committees of each MWASA branch within any province.

SABC as Example
Collective Agreement
Fashioned in 1992 following the only strike ever in the history of the SABC, the agreement was amended December 2002. The legally binding agreement carries and varies all contracts of the members within the bargaining unit. This unit includes scale codes 300-411, Specialists, as well as fixed term contracts 600 and 900.In terms of S.4(1)(b) of the LRA, "every employee has the right to join a trade union subject to it's constitution". Nothing prevents any employee of the SABC to be a member of MWASA. The Collective agreement regulates the relationship between the SABC and the Union. It emphasizes the principle of co-determination in the management of the rights and obligations of both MWASA members and the SABC.
Steering Committee
consists of the Chairpersons of the branches of the SABC and negotiates working terms and conditions, wages, policies and procedures at national or corporate level.
Plant Executive Committees are elected from the base of shop stewards at any work place of the SABC.
Shop Stewards
Are elected once every two years in each of the various divisions and sections of the SABC and are the primary representatives of the members in Business Unit Labour Councils (BULC). Members have the right to request any Shop Steward to represent them in grievance and disciplinary hearings and in other day to day consultations with the SABC. Shop Stewards are tasked with the duty to ensure that both the SABC and MWASA members comply with the provisions of any Collective Agreement between MWASA and the SABC. Shop Stewards also carry the legal responsibility to monitor compliance by the SABC with all applicable labour laws.
Full Time Shop Steward
is a democratically nominated representative (senior shop steward) of the union employed full-time and tasked with facilitating the management of the relationship between MWASA and the SABC. This relationship is based on MWASA securing 1000 members across the staff of the SABC. The FTSS reports to the MWASA NEC.
Workplace Participation
MWASA actively participates in all workplace consultation forums set up at the SABC including Business Unit Labour Council (BULC), Employment Equity Forum, Pension Fund and Medical Aid Boards of Trustees, National Steering Committee,HIV/AIDS Committee and others. The Collective Agreement makes provision for access to all management structures of the SABC including the Board and its subcommittees.
Members' Rights, Responsibilities and Obligations.
4. Right not to be subjected to unfair labour practices.
4 . Right not to be unfairly dismissed.
4. Right to be consulted regarding changes in conditions of work.
4 Right to be represented in grievance disciplinary hearings as well as at CCMA and beyond.
4 Right to protections in terms of Part C BCEA, Act 75, 1977.
4 Right to participate in all lawful activities of MWASA.
4 Obligation to uphold the Collective Agreement.
4 Obligation to monitor SABC compliance with any Labour Law provision including the statutory 'duty to consult'.
National Council of Trade Unions (NACTU)
Status - Full Member
NACTU is an independent Trade Union Federation that believes that:
4 The establishment of an anti racist / non-racial, non-exploitative and democratic society depends on the unity of the working class directed at the eradication of oppression, exploitation, discrimination as well as the promotion, development and maintenance of an authentic working class leadership.
4 In workers uniting and developing themselves so that they control their own destiny.
Entertainment-International (UNI-MEJ)
Status - Full Member
UNI has many sectors and MWASA participates in the Media and Entertainment Sector. This sector covers media production workers, Photographers, Actors, Performers, Scriptwriters, Technicians, ICT', Graphics, Arts, Performers, Broadcast and general media workers.
International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)
is the largest organisation of Journalists in the world representing journalists in more than 100 countries. For more information visit www.ifj.org. The IFJ is recognized by UNICEF and by the international trade union movement as the voice of journalists worldwide. These affiliations have provided valuable solidarity on an international basis. Both IFJ and UNI are closely linked to the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) and uphold the principle of union independence. See www.icfiu.org.
MWASA participates in the Media, Packaging, Advertising, printing SETA
MWASA Is open to cooperation with progressive organisations and individuals who actively uphold the principles stated above.

4 Bursary
4 Funeral Scheme
4 HIV / AIDS Initiatives
4 International Press Accreditation
4 International Exchange Training
4 International Solidarity
4 Professional Labour Representation.